For those who have forgotten... the 5 points of Calvinism are as the following
- Total Depravity-- People are unable to deliver themselves from the bondage of sin
- Unconditional Election-- People can do nothing to merit God's choice of them
- Limited Atonement--Christ's death atones for the sin of those whom God has chosen
- Irresistible Grace-- Those to whom God has given life find his grace in Christ irresistible
- Perseverance of the Saints-- Since salvation is God's gift, the Christian cannot fall away from it.
Let's start with limited atonement. I so desperately want to believe that there is atonement for everyone... but only if they partake of it. It's there, but there must be an act where the person accepting is willing experience the atonement. I was, what one of my professors coined, a 4 1/2 Calvinist, not 5. Over the last few months, I've been really struggling with understanding this concept.
You may not see the connection, but in my mind there is.
God choose us before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1). God draws people to Himself (John 6:44). If God has already figured out who is coming to heaven. Choosing them. Calling them. Bringing them. Then there is no extra atonement for those He has not called or chosen. We were chosen for belief before the creation process began. Before the utterance of words that created the heavens and the earth, we were chosen. Drawn, if you will, to God. Before I continue, I will say that I do not believe in double predestination (God chooses some for heaven and chooses some for hell), Scripture does not teach that position... not to mention, that Jesus came to save people, not condemn them. God places us all in a place where we are must likely to believe in Him (Acts17:26-28). Sure it comes down to our free will to a certain extent. But like Jeremiah, we were chosen by God for His glory. Does this make sense? (In the back of my mind I'm thinking... I hope I haven't said anything heretical...we'll see)
The second one was perseverance of the saints, meaning "once saved always saved". As I worked through this, I began to see how #3 and #5 are related. Yes, there are verses both sides use to support their position. But ultimately, what it boils down to is, who is control of salvation? Who supplies it? Who does the "calling/drawing"? Does my salvation depend on my actions and choices (once I have been saved)? When Jesus says "No one will snatch you out my Father's hands", He repeats it again, but differently, "No one will snatch you out of My hands." I find it pretty significant that Jesus repeats it in two different ways (repetition is a way Jewish writers show the importance of something) (found in John 10 the Good Shepherd passage). Another thought to go with this, if God said "No one" and a person believes they may take themselves out of the hand of God by being a backslider, are they not a "someone"? And if I follow the logic correctly, Jesus said that "No one of the some ones can get out". Does that make sense?
I also thought about the end of Romans 8. Where Paul lists the items that cannot separate us from the love of God. Among those are listed material and immaterial things... which I believe the point of it is no matter what the issue or problem is, it cannot take you out of your salvation. I'll end with an analogy that I was thinking of.
Imagine a fisherman in a boat, I imagine him in the bright, foggy morning, directing the boat to a special fishing spot. As the fisherman, slows down and the boat rocks back and forth with the settling of the waves, he casts the lure into the water and begins to reel it in. Feeling the jerk of a fish snagging the lure, the fisherman reels in the fish as it fights and struggles against the pull of the fisherman. The fish giving into the fisherman has now put himself under the rule, power, and authority of the fisherman. The fisherman scooping up the fish, detaches the hook and takes a moment to gaze at the beauty of the fish that he has just captured. After a moment or two, the fisherman then takes the fish and places it into the container for storing fish. The fish at that moment has no ability to do what it wants. It is controlled, owned, and at the will and mercy of the fisherman. With that, the fish has no ability to undo what the fisherman has done. He has been captured by the fisherman.
Maybe this idea fits. Maybe it doesn't. But it seems to be a good picture of us and salvation.